More than 30 young people from Northeast Asia like Jiangxi

 时间:2023-08-30 06:54 来源:ChinaNews责任编辑:XueFeng
   Hong Kong Daily Telegraph, Hong Kong SAR Online News daily

     Group Photo of Campers in front of Jinggangshan Industrial Internet Industrial Park

On August 26, 2023, more than 30 young people from 12 countries, including China, Russia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, etc., came to Diaoyuan Ancient Village in Jiangxi Province, the last stop of the study tour, and finished the 7-day Youth Camp of the Jiangxi Branch of the Northeast Asian Youth Camp on Sustainable Development. With the theme of “Scientific and Technological Innovation for a Shared Future”, campers deeply experienced the multiple charms of Jiangxi’s history, culture, nature, and science and technology.

In Nanchang, the campers visited the Site Park of Haihun Marquis to learn about the splendid civilization of the Han Dynasty, and walked into the VR industrial base to experience the joy of innovation brought by science and technology; in Yichun, they climbed the Mingyue Mountain, watched the large live-action performance “The Show of Mingyue” to feel the lingering charm of classical culture, and walked into the Science and Technology Smart Industrial Park in the new district of Yiyang, and saw the achievements of the development of Jiangxi’s digital economy; in Ji’an, they visited the Museum of Revolution in Jinggang Mountains, paid homage to the martyrs of the Chinese Revolution, and watched the large live-action performance “Jinggang Mountain” to feel the history of China’s Red Revolution.

During the camp, participants also experienced printmaking, wood carving, embroidery, clay shaping and throwing, Dian Cha, and other local characteristic cultural activities in Jiangxi, savoring the ancient charm of Jiangxi’s thousand-year-old culture.

Campers have said that this youth camp has given them a deeper knowledge and understanding of China and Jiangxi, and also enhanced their friendship with Chinese youth. Although it is time to say goodbye, they are still reluctant to leave, and they hope to be able to spread what they have seen and heard to more people in an objective and fair way, letting them know about China and Jiangxi. [Text/ Photo by Zhang Zhenhuan]



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