Qatar supports Palestine

 时间:2019-06-11 11:11 来源:新华社责任编辑:张焱
   Sheikh Mohammed said Qatar is firm and that any plan that the Palestinians are willing to accept will have Qatar's support.
Qatari Foreign Minister sheikh Mohamed Bin Abdul Rahman Al-Thani warned on the 9th that a new US peace plan for the Middle East should not be imposed on Palestine.
Sheikh Mohamed told reporters during a visit to Britain on the same day that the positions of Palestine and the United States on the new Middle East peace plan were "out of touch." The new Middle East peace plan should not be imposed on Palestine. "No Arab country will accept it."
In his view, if either side of Palestine or Israel rejected the plan, it would mean that the new plan was "either unfair or unrealistic." At best, both sides accept or reject the new plan.
Sheikh Mohammed said Qatar is firm and that any plan that the Palestinians are willing to accept will have Qatar's support.
The new Middle East peace plan, known as the Century Agreement, was "operated" by U.S. President Donald Trump's son-in-law and senior White House adviser, Jared Kushner, who had intended to release some of the contents in late June after the formation of a new Israeli government. Now, the failure of Israel to form a cabinet may delay the release of the new plan.
The media inferred that the main idea of the plan was to "invest for sovereignty", that is, to allow substantial Palestinian economic assistance in exchange for a compromise on the territory and statehood of the Palestinian side. The Palestinian side decided that the US side was partial to Israel and refused to accept the new plan.
Reuters quoted Palestinian and Arab sources familiar with the new plan as saying Kushner abandoned the two-state plan.
The "two-state plan" is to establish an independent Palestinian state based on the borders before the third Middle East War in 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and to coexist peacefully with Israel. The plan is supported by a number of United Nations resolutions.
Shaikh Mohamed likes the economic content of the new plan, but believes that the economic plan needs a solid political foundation.
The writer is Wang Yijun with a picture of Xie Fang, Hong Kong Daily Telecom



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